I already have a few looks lined up for the blog... so keep posted!!
Ooo and a mini rant today. On Instagram (my username: @geenabarret if you're interested :)), it kind of drives me crazy when I see someone's makeup look that I know, and their name is nowhere to be seen in a tag... or when I see a look, and I know who did it, it's used in some kind of makeup contest...and no tag to be found. So irritating. As a copy editor for the newspaper for my college and plagiarism ALWAYS being a complete NO-NO. I feel like it's plagiarism even if it is a photo sharing app, you know? Okay, just my vent for the day.
Speaking of Instagram, this look was actually inspired by this one picture I saw. Her username is @reenerneener if you wanted to look her up. She's gorgeous and so are her looks!

Too Faced Shadow Insurance
Sugarpill Burning Heart Palette; Poison Plum, Flamepoint, Love +
Sugarpill Pressed Powder in Tako
Sugarpill Chromalust in Hysteric (Lower Lash line)
LA Splash Glitter in Lovable
LA Splash Glitter/Sealer Base
Urban Decay Liquid Liner in Oil Slick
NYX Jumbo Eye Pencil in Black Bean
Bare Minerals Volumizing Flawless Definition Mascara