First up is from the lovely Marla (marlaandmakeup)!

Top 10
The rules of the award are as follows:
1. Thank the person who tagged you and link their blog within the post.
2. Put the award logo in your blog.
3. List your top 10 products in cosmetics/beauty/health.
4. Choose 5 bloggers to do the same.
Hand & body cream: I have very dry skin! SO, something that helps me with my hands is putting on Mary Kay's Extra Emollient Night Cream. It's meant for very dry skin and it's pretty greasy. But my hands are the better for it!
Foundation: Cover FX Natural FX
Mascara: I try to use different mascaras. One of my favorites though is Sephora's Advanced Lash Booster. I would LOVE to try Benefit's They're Real!
Makeup remover: The only remover I've used is the one you get from Sephora that's blue.
Makeup primer: Too Faced Shadow Insurance
Nail polish brand:OPI
Lipstick: Right now I just tried out Revlon's Lip Butters. I'm really liking Peach Parfait.
Body Wash: Anything that's from Philosophy!
Perfume: Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue
Lip balm: Jack Black Lip Balm
Next is from Steffani (madmakeuplove) and Aracely (iridescentmakeup)!

Versatile Blogger Award
Here Are The Rules:
You must thank the person who gave you the award, including a shout out with a link back to their blog.
Share 7 random facts about yourself.
Send the award to other bloggers whose blogs you love and let them know about it.
Seven Random Facts About Me:
1. I love color coding things. I have to have a matching binder and notebook for each class!
2. I used to have to be coerced in to putting makeup on when I was younger.
3. I am a vegetarian! Six years this year!
4. Ever since I read the Hunger Games, I'm determined to try out archery.
5. I really don't like reality television.
6. I love copy editing! I love reading, so it's something I want to do with my life.
7. I am a very corny person. My boyfriend loves to point this out to me all the time.
The next one is from Kori (awkwardpandamusings)!

Kreativ Blogger Award
Rules for People I Award, if they choose to do it:
1. Link back to the person who gave you this award.
2. Complete the form below/answer the questions.
3. Award ten other bloggers, and let them know.
4. Share seven random thoughts about yourself.
The form..
1. What is your favorite song? Everybody Talks by Neon Trees
2. Name your favorite deserts. Cheesecake. Apple Pie. Lemon Meringue.
3. What ticks you off? Really ignorant people.
4. When I'm upset I? Vent about it to my boyfriend and family.
5. Whats your favorite pet? Dogs.
6. Black or white? Black.
7. Biggest fear? My biggest fear has always honestly been something bad happening to my animals. But that's happened. So... same thing. (I totally am a Debbie Downer with that response. Sorry!)
8. Everyday attitude? I try to be optimistic about the day!
9. What is perfection? I literally rewrote this answer so many times. It's hard to define something that isn't really there.
10. Guilty pleasure? Makeup...
Now, seven random thoughts about myself:
Already listed seven. :)
And last, but so very far from least, is from Phlox and Azure (EyeGraffiti)!
Blog Award Backlog
1. Thank the person you received the award from.
2. Say seven random things about yourself.
3. Pass the award to 15 other bloggers.
I would have gone through and made seven extra facts for the previous section and this section, except it was so dang hard to come up with the first seven random facts!!
Thank you ladies so much! :)
This may sound unorthodox but hear me out! I think the idea of awarding blog awards to bloggers is great. It's an awesome experience to get one. But I'm not one to single out certain blogs from others, especially when some blogs have been around for a long time and others are just starting. So, I would like to offer any of these awards to anybody! Anyone who's interested in answering a few questions or figuring out seven facts about yourself, just let me know and I'll put your blog on my post!
I hope everyone is having a great week! :)